Quality management

Quality management of Euro-BioImaging is intended to define a process for continuous quality improvement, with the final aim to achieve the maximum satisfaction of 1) the scientists accessing Euro-BioImaging facilities and services (Users), 2) the facilities adhering to the Euro-BioImaging infrastructure that provide the services (e.g. Nodes) and 3) the stakeholders composing the various Euro-BioImaging organs (e.g. the Ministries of participating countries, the Industry Board).

The quality management of the whole Euro-BioImaging infrastructure is divided into two levels:

  • Quality management at the Hub level, including all processes involving the functions of the Hub
  • Quality management at the Node level, which is intended to provide guidelines that should be adopted and agreed on by all the Nodes adhering to Euro-BioImaging

Quality and performance of Euro-BioImaging services are continuously monitored on the basis of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that fulfill the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and are associated to specific targets, the achievement of which gives a measure of the infrastructure’s success. KPIs are regularly reviewed.

A full Euro-BioImaging quality management plan is currently under preparation and will soon be available.

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