Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Remote Training

Date: 2021-02-15 to 2021-03-05

France BioImaging (FBI) is organizing a remote training on Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM), which enable 3D imaging of biological samples with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolutions and low perturbing effects.

LSFM methods actually cover a large variety of implementations which allow imaging a wide range of sample types, from single cell to whole organs or organisms both live and fixed. These new imaging capabilities are revolutionizing the way we visualize our samples and address biological questions. However, imaging with a light-sheet microscope raises many questions about the choice of the set-up depending on the sample to image, the sample preparation and mounting protocols or the data management (storage, visualization, quantification). Thus, it can be difficult to find its way through the numerous microscope implementations, protocols and tools that have been extensively developed over the last 20 years. We therefore decided to review all those questions in a remote training. 

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