EU projects

Euro-BioImaging is engaged in a large number of collaborative projects funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe funding framework program.

In these projects, we work together with other Research Infrastructures from the Life Sciences and beyond, as well as other partner organisations. The projects cover a wide range of topic areas - from facilitating and funding user access to Research Infrastructures to building digital spaces for FAIR life science data. Find out more about our different projects below.

Euro-BioImaging's EU Project Timeline

List of projects


BY-COVID tackles data challenges for effective pandemic response.


ISIDORe effectively supports research on infectious diseases and increases pandemic preparedness.


Solutions for digital and remote service provision across research infrastructures.


Providing a European-wide foundation to accelerate data-driven cancer research.


Funding user access to imaging services in cancer research.


Enhacing agroecology research by funding access to imaging services.


Developing advanced AI methods for image analysis and making them easily available to life scientists.


Developing image analysis tools for underwater imaging and training.


Deploying a digital federated infrastructure of FAIR cancer-research related images.


Developing new tools and applications in Transmission Electron Microscopy and training.


Supporting community adoption and validation of innovative tools for imaging across scales.

ERIC Forum 2

The ERIC Forum Implementation Project, now in its second edition, brings together the ERIC community to strengthen its coordination and enhance its collaborations.


foundingGIDE lays the foundation for a Global Image Data Ecosystem for sharing bioimage data.


EVOLVE aims to enhance Euro-BioImaging ERIC by strengthening its administration, upgrading the user access portal, and expanding its network of Nodes and Hubs.

Past projects


CORBEL facilitated access to multiple research infrastructures to support advanced interdisciplinary research.

ERIC Forum

The ERIC Forum advances operations of ERICs and contributes to the development of ERIC-related policies.


Building cloud-based tools and solutions for bioimaging data and promoting interoperability.


Supplying image data and management tools for the health research and innovation cloud.

EOSC Future

EOSC Future builds on EOSC to deliver a durable platform for researchers.