Industry Board

Euro-BioImaging Industry Board – Mission and goals

Imaging-associated companies and life scientists have the same goal – to address the needs of research. The ability to achieve research goals depends on the availability of suitable products; from large imaging instruments to cameras, lenses, dyes, software and hardware. It is therefore essential that researchers and imaging facility staff have a clear, transparent and trusted channel to a wide range of companies in the field.

This informs the companies about the current trends in research, thereby supporting the development of the necessary tools and materials needed for research to progress. With this realisation, the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board (EBIB) was formed in 2014; with the overarching aim to identify and solve the needs of the wider Euro-BioImaging community, thus allowing research to flow.

The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board provides a platform for Biological and Biomedical Imaging companies to communicate and collaborate with the wider Euro-BioImaging community of academic and commercial Users and cutting-edge imaging facilities with the goal of strengthening Imaging research in Europe. 

Working as a single, professional entity, the fully independent Euro-BioImaging Industry Board proactively sets its own goals to drive the interaction and knowledge exchange between the Imaging industry, other industries as a User of imaging technologies and the wider academic research environment for the benefit of European Life Science. The Board’s goals include:

  • Create a platform for industry-science cross collaboration
  • Strengthen communication between imaging technology providers,  users and imaging facilities, enabling timely understanding of users’ needs
  • Organise “One Voice“ activities to the political community at the national and European level in order to raise awareness of imaging as a cornerstone of Life Science research and the European Imaging market
  • Stay up-to-date with use of technology and software at Euro-BioImaging Nodes and needs of researchers
  • Cooperate with Euro-BioImaging Nodes on development and testing of novel technologies
  • Participate in Euro-BioImaging training activities
  • Explore opportunities for pre-competitive collaborations between Euro-BioImaging facilities, external researchers and industry

Euro-BioImaging Industry Board Advisory Panel

The EBIB Advisory Panel constitutes an Advisory Body to the Euro-BioImaging Directorate. Its primary function is to provide expert, strategic advice from an industry point of view on issues including:

  • Implementation of the five-year Euro-BioImaging Strategic Plan, in particular regarding access provision to new imaging technologies and development of new training activities and access modalities for industry users
  • Planning of Euro-BioImaging ERIC service and technology priorities for the future
  • Euro-BioImaging ERIC collaboration with European and global initiatives in imaging technologies and related research infrastructures
  • Engagement and communication strategies with imaging technology developers and industry user communities in Europe and globally
  • Development of Euro-BioImaging’s services for industry
  • Any industry relevant needs or initiatives that Euro-BioImaging ERIC should address
A schema explaining Euro-BioImaging governance structure.
Euro-BioImaging governance

Current Advisory Panel Members:

Martin Tewinkel (EVIDENT), Herbert Schaden (ZEISS), Jochen Sieber (Leica Microsystems), Gerhard Holst (EXCELITAS pco.), Daniel Ciepielewski (Nikon Europe B.V.).

Contact us:

Dr. Claudia Pfander

Industry Board Coordinator