We are recruiting our Director of Medical Imaging!

March 31, 2021

Are you a senior scientist who is looking for an exciting leadership opportunity and passionate about medical imaging? Euro-Bioimaging ERIC is currently seeking a Director of Medical Imaging. The recruited Director will be part of the operational leadership of the organization with special focus on advancing technologies, services, and applications related to medical and pre-clinical biomedical imaging.

Ideal candidates should have a strong motivation and willingness to take Euro-BioImaging to next level, i.e. by growing its portfolio and membership, expand the user access at Nodes from the biomedical community at large and promote its international recognition as THE European infrastructure for imaging technologies. The appointment will be to a full-time fixed term (5yrs) contract academic position. The Med-Hub Section Director is employed by CNR and positioned in Turin, Italy.

A letter expressing an interest in the position along with a CV and any other relevant information should be sent (electronically) by the 7th of May 2021 to the Chair of the Euro-BioImaging selection panel.

For a full job description and to apply:


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