Tech Exchange on Electron Microscopy
May 19, 2022 10:00–11:00 CEST
Presented by
Hugo Pérez-Garza, DENSsolutions & Wim Voorhout, Thermo Fisher Scientific
In this episode of the Tech Exchange, we are hearing about new developments in the electron microscopy field.

Hugo Pérez-Garza from DENSsolutions B.V., the latest company to join our Industry Board, will present “In-situ Liquid Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Powerful Tool for Single Particle Analysis, Cell Biology and Pharmaceutical Studies”.
The DENSsolutions Stream system is a plug-and-play system for in situ Liquid Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy (LPTEM) technology that uses a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) device as a smart sample carrier. With Stream, you can perform in situ LPTEM studies under sub-nanometer resolution, while keeping your bio-sample in its native environment. Similarly, you can control the biochemistry on-the-fly and influence the kinetics of a biochemical reaction, while avoiding the liquid-air interface. Moreover, the system also enables high-throughput studies. This unlocks the possibility to observe biological processes as they truly occur as a function of different stimuli (e.g. temperature, pressure, biasing, flow rate, etc). As a result, research areas such as single particle analysis, cell biology, in-vivo studies of protein-protein interactions, real-time observations of organic crystal growth, cancer research and drug delivery are certainly some of the many fields where Stream can play a critical role.
Unfortunately, due to a technical error we could not record Hugo’s presentation at the Tech Exchange in full. However, you can watch him presenting the in situ LPEM system here:

Wim Voorhout from Thermo Fisher Scientific will present on “Cryo-FIB developments for tomography“.
Cryo-FIB/SEM microscopes have emerged as indispensable tools for cryo-electron microscopy. They allow thin electron-transparent cryo-lamellae to be prepared from vitrified biological samples, which can then be studied by means of electron-tomography. Our latest dedicated cryo-FIB microscopes offer the ability to perform lift-out under cryo-conditions and feature an integrated fluorescence microscope for localizing target sites within the frozen sample. A robust sample transfer system and a rotatable cryo-stage is at the center of a dedicated cryo-FIB/SEM instrument.