Image data events
Euro-BioImaging offers several events all around image data which are designed to cover a comprehensive range of topics including image data management, data formats and standards and the implementation of FAIR principles in the biological and biomedical imaging domain. By bringing together experts at the Nodes, researchers, and the imaging community, these events aim to foster the exchange experiences, invite collaboration, enhance technical skills, and promote innovative approaches in the dynamic field of image data.
Take a look at the different events we offer:

Image data community days
The 'Euro-BioImaging Image Data Community Days' bring together Euro-BioImaging Node staff, researchers and other experts from across the globe to explore and discuss the latest advancements in the field of image data.

Guide to FAIR BioImage Data
In 2023, we launched the 'Euro-BioImaging's Guide to FAIR BioImage Data' series of yearly events, which aims to introduce the FAIR principles in the context of bioimaging and provide you with simple yet effective steps for a smooth start to your FAIR journey.

User Forum on Data
In 2024, this edition of the User Forum highlighted innovative image analysis and image data management solutions at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. It featured user presentations as well as presentations from image data and image analysis experts from the Nodes, focusing on the technical aspects of the work.

Webinar on Data Management of Preclinical Image Datasets
The "Webinar on Data Management of Preclinical Image Datasets" showcases the tools developed to improve the discoverability, access, interoperability, and reusability of preclinical image datasets, consequently providing a solid step towards the adoption of the FAIR principles of our imaging community.

Special Edition Virtual Pub on Data
In 2022, we ran a two-part Special Edition of the Virtual Pub to cover the topic of “DATA” in Biological & Biomedical Imaging. Each event featured short presentations from academics and industry showcasing a range of image data management and analysis solutions for Biological & Biomedical imaging.