Tech Exchange with LiveCyte
February 23, 2024 14:00–14:30 CET
Presented by
Peter Djali & Meetal Jotangia
Tech Exchange is back in 2024 and February will be our Tech Exchange month with an exciting company presentation every week!

Our Tech Exchange month concludes with Peter Djali and Meetal Jotangia, Phasefocus, who will present their LiveCyte system.
Title of their talk: “Livecyte – The Best of Both Worlds – Using Label Free and Fluorescence Imaging to Understand Single Cell Behaviour in its Population Context”
Laura Wiggins will present CellPhe and their work on the LiveCyte in the Virtual Pub immediately preceding this deeper dive into the Livecyte system and its capabilities. Phasefocus will share how their software makes the most of our label free images by presenting data from single cell to populations. They will, by way of example data, show how this can be applied to such applications as cell lineage and cycle, cell growth and proliferation, and cell tracking and morphology. Phasefocus will also show with an example of our advanced T-Cell killing assay how fluorescence and label-free imaging can be combined into a simple assay revealing complex cell dynamics.