Call for Abstracts! Special Edition of the Virtual Pub on DATA

May 17, 2022
Data analysis Virtual Pub

On July 8th, 2022, Euro-BioImaging together with the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board will organize the next Special Edition of our Virtual Pub.

Imaging Scientists and Image Data experts from academia and industry are invited to give a flash presentation on the topic of "DATA in imaging".

Tell us about your work with image data analysis and image data management – whether it concerns an individual project, general data management strategies or any data or metadata related initiatives that you are involved in. We are looking forward to hearing about your image DATA solutions, which could address:

  • Analysing large data sets, whether it is your own acquired data or data from public repositories
  • Storing, managing, curating and sharing data – from Open data to proprietary or sensitive data
  • Developing image analysis tools for challenging data analysis problems
  • Visualizing and presenting complex data
  • Collecting and standardizing metadata

If you wish to present a 5 min flash presentation on this topic, please submit your abstract below. Deadline 09 June 5:00 pm CEST. Prizes will be awarded to the winners!

What: Virtual Pub Special Edition: DATA in Biological & Biomedical Imaging When: July 8th at 13:00 CEST Who should apply: All imaging enthusiasts, in particular, young researchers and early career scientists Deadline for abstracts: 17:00 CEST on June 9th

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