Euro-BioImaging All Hand’s Meeting in Torino

April 18, 2024
EVOLVE All-Hands-Meeting

We are delighted to meet with the Euro-BioImaging community this week in beautiful Torino, Italy. The All-Hand’s Nodes meeting happens once a year, and the goal is to bring together scientists from the Euro-BioImaging Nodes to meet each other, encourage interdisciplinary collaborations, and to discuss the most relevant topics for Euro-BioImaging operation and developments in imaging. Here is a glimpse of what we are looking forward to.

The 2024 edition of the All Hand’s Nodes meeting is organized by the Euro-BioImaging Med-Hub. Around ninety Euro-BioImaging Node & Hub staff, and industry partners have gathered in a lovely “Palazzo Ceriana Mayneri” in downtown Torino for 3 days of exciting scientific talks, networking and exchanges. The event started on Tuesday, April 16, with a satellite event in collaboration with the EUCAIM project, followed by a joint Euro-BioImaging Industry Board & Nodes Workshop on Wednesday, April 17. Over the course of the week, sessions will cover topics like Imaging across scales and modalities, Screening and working with disease models, Updates from the Nodes, and Updates on Euro-BioImaging operations, including the EVOLVE project. On Friday, breakout sessions will cover topics such as Node Training & Job shadowing, FAIR Image Data Stewardship and Communications & Outreach.

We are super happy to be with our community this week to learn more about the exciting technological capabilities at Euro-BioImaging Nodes, discover some of the newest offers from industry partners and hear about the exciting science being supported across the Euro-BioImaging family. In addition, we are excited to welcome representatives from our new Nodes in Spain and Belgium. Huge thanks to the Euro-BioImaging Med-Hub for organizing this event and very much looking forward to the outcomes. 

Full programme:

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