Euro-BioImaging ERIC represents ERIC Forum at EOSC Association

July 19, 2022

The European Open Science Cloud is a multi-disciplinary federated cloud environment where researchers can publish, find and re-use data, tools and services.  The EOSC Association plays an important role in helping to coordinate investments in the European Open Science Cloud via its Task Forces and other governance structures. In order to better contribute to the future of EOSC, Euro-BioImaging decided to join the EOSC Association as a full member in December 2021, joining forces with over 200 other members and observers, including other partner ESFRI research infrastructures.

In order to streamline its organization, EOSC Association changed its statutes in May 2022. One of the changes that all ERICs that are members will benefit from, is the status of mandated organization. This gives ERICs one common weighted vote for issues of key importance.

We are pleased to announce that Antje Keppler, Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub Director is in charge of leading discussions with the EOSC Association until November 2022, effectively representing the ERIC Forum within EOSC Association. Euro-BioImaging  will be followed by BBMRI ERIC, who will lead discussions for the next six months. A rotation amongst the ERICs that are EOSC Association members will be pursued thereafter.

The ERIC Forum Executive Board (Exbo) is of the opinion that the close cooperation between those ERICs that are members of EOSC Association and those who are not, will ensure that the voice of the entire ERIC Community is heard in the EOSC landscape.

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