Euro-BioImaging opens a Call for Node Upgrades

October 30, 2023
Call for Upgrade ERIC Open Call SAB

Euro-BioImaging ERIC is pleased to announce that its Call for Node Upgrades 2023 opens on November 1! This is the process by which new imaging facilities located in Euro-BioImaging ERIC member countries can join existing Euro-BioImaging Nodes.

Node upgrades - how to apply: 

Existing Euro-BioImaging Nodes are invited to submit Expressions of Interest for Upgrades to Nodes, to include new imaging facilities or sites into their existing Node structure. Expressions of Interest for Upgrades should be submitted using the form available here.  Expressions of Interest have to be submitted before January 31, 2024.  

The submitted expressions of interest for Node Upgrades will be evaluated by the Euro-BioImaging Scientific Advisory Board, and decided upon by the Euro-BioImaging Board.

More information

More information on the documentation that needs to be provided, as well as on the overall process, can be found in the Document Gallery of the Euro-BioImaging Web Portal. 

We are looking forward to receiving Node Upgrade applications!

If you have questions, please contact us at

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