Launch of the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board website

May 9, 2019

The ability to do research depends on the availability of suitable products. It is therefore essential that researchers and imaging facility staff have a clear communication line to a wide range of companies in the field to ensure that the companies understand the trends in research thereby making available suitable products. The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board (EBIB) members consist of a range of companies in the field of imaging, joined together by their recognition of the importance of working closely with the community to ensure that they develop products that are fit for purpose. By working as a single, professional entity and supported by the EBIB Coordinator, EBIB proactively drives the interaction between the imaging industry, European researchers and the imaging facilities linked to the pan-European research infrastructure, Euro-BioImaging.

To keep update with EBIB’s progress and opportunities, please visit its specialised website:

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