Special Edition Virtual Pub: Open Hardware in Imaging
We are delighted to share the program for our Special Edition Virtual Pub “Open Hardware in Imaging,” organized in collaboration with the Euro-BioImaging Industry…
July 20, 2023
Models from the BioImage Model Zoo used by Leica Microsystems
Euro-BioImaging coordinates access to cutting-edge imaging technologies, expertise and data services at some of the best imaging facilities across Europe. In that capacity, Euro-BioImaging…
July 17, 2023
Models developed in AI4Life and Bioimage.io now made available in AIVIA
AI4Life and Leica are announcing their collaboration to make deep-learning models developed by the bioimage community available to a wider user community through integration…
June 16, 2023
Interested in Smart Microscopy? Join the discussion!
Towards community standards in Adaptive Feedback Microscopy Adaptive Feedback or ‘Smart’ Microscopy is an emerging field that is gaining importance e.g. in the context…
May 8, 2023
Looking back on the “BioImaging and the European Open Science Cloud” workshop
What a great opportunity to engage different stakeholders in a dialogue about Open Science, Open Data and the Sustainability of the EOSC! The …
February 1, 2023
Perspectives on the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board internship pilot project
Education is the greatest gift we can give to the next generation, which is why Euro-BioImaging is collaborating with several dedicated Master’s…
January 31, 2023
Choosing a career path for young imaging scientists
What better way to explore possible career paths for future imaging scientists than with an industry internship? Thanks to the Euro-BioImaging Industry…
January 15, 2023
Internship opportunities for tomorrow’s imaging scientists
Education is the greatest gift we can give to the next generation, which is why Euro-BioImaging is collaborating with several dedicated Master’s…
October 13, 2022
Smart microscopy workshop 13th October 2022
The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board has organized an exclusive 1-day workshop for its members and staff from the Euro-BioImaging Nodes on the…
April 1, 2022
DENSsolutions B.V. – new partner joining the Board 1st Apr 2022!
The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board warmly welcomes its new member DENSsolutions B.V., joining as of April 1st, 2022! DENSsolutions B.V. specializes in the development of…
February 18, 2022
iScience Backstory on Euro-BioImaging
Euro-BioImaging has published an article “Euro-BioImaging – Interdisciplinary research infrastructure bringing together communities and imaging facilities to support excellent research” in open access…
January 10, 2022
Pilot on Industry Internships for MSc students
Euro-BioImaging is offering industry internships in collaboration with the Master’s Programme in Biomedical Imaging (BIMA) in Turku, Finland, and Industry Board members ZEISS and…