May 30, 2022

Turku PET Centre introduces new Total-Body PET scanner

The new total-body PET scanner has been introduced at the Turku PET Centre, part of Euro-BioImaging’s Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node. This new generation of…

May 24, 2022

Medical Imaging Computing researchers: Meet the Challenges Framework Flagship Node!

The Challenges Framework flagship Node organizes a series of Grand Challenges in Medical Image Analysis (, focused at standardized evaluation…

May 19, 2022

A successful funding mechanism from the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research

In 2021, the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research kindly provided € 85,000 to support transnational user access to and from Italy. The Italian…

BioImaging Node Bulgaria.

May 7, 2022

Opportunities for high resolution FLIM microscopy at Bulgaria’s Sofia BioImaging Node

Interested in protein dynamics and DNA repair? Why not work with the experts at Sofia BioImaging Node? Thanks to the support of the…

May 5, 2022

Welcome, EMBL Imaging Center, to the Euro-BioImaging family!

Euro-BioImaging is happy to welcome the EMBL Imaging Center (EMBL IC) to the Euro-BioImaging family of Nodes. The EMBL Node submitted an Expression of…

Fig. 4 – The happy users from Politecnico di Milano (from left: Federica Buccino, Laura Vergani, Sara Bagherifard)

April 22, 2022

Micro-cracks and lacunar network in healthy and osteoporotic subjects: an experimental validation through synchrotron phase contrast imaging

The comprehension of bone damage processes is a crucial hint for the understanding of age-related fractures that are strongly linked to osteoporosis, a diffuse…

Figure 1: Chiara and Faba look at images acquired by using the high-throughput microscope at EMBL’s ALMF. Photo copyright EMBL PhotoLab/Massimo Del Prete.

April 20, 2022

Where do SupraMolecular Attack Particles come from?

Chiara Cassioli, a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Siena, is passionate about basic research. Her quest to discover how immune cells communicate within…

April 5, 2022

NorMIC wins two important grants

The Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Node (NorMIC) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded two important grants to develop its infrastructure.

March 24, 2022

EOSC-Life Demonstrator 5: Paper out!

The preclinical imaging community faces many challenges when it comes to collecting, processing, and reusing the various types of imaging data produced in preclinical…

Euro-BioImaging User Forum on Neuroscience, Miguel Castel Branco

March 16, 2022

A TMS and multimodal molecular imaging study of the Interhemispheric inhibition/excitation imbalance: project overview

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on April 5, 2022, from 14:00-17:00 CEST. This event will highlight the importance of…

Scientific User Forum - Neuroscience

March 16, 2022

How to identify epileptogenic zone in MRI negative epilepsy with arterial spin labelling data

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on April 5, 2022, from 14:00-17:00 CEST. This event will highlight the importance of…

Scientific User Forum - Neuroscience

March 16, 2022

3D-Brain 18f-[Fdg] PET segmentation and Classification for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease using Deep Neural Network

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on April 5, 2022, from 14:00-17:00 CEST. This event will highlight the importance of…