Euro-BioImaging and EU-Openscreen sign a collaboration agreement to boost their joint support of the European Life Science community

Published: 2019-09-18

On 11.07.2019, at the meeting of ESFRI Research Infrastructures in the life sciences, Euro-BioImaging and EU-Openscreen signed a collaboration agreement to boost their joint support of the European Life Science community.

In signing this agreement, Euro-BioImaging and EU-OPENSCREEN acknowledge the value and importance of their own field of expertise being embedded in a larger scope of technologies and services offered by complementary Research Infrastructures. Harmonizing user access to Research Infrastructures will increase the user community of the individual Research Infrastructures, thereby taking an extra step in supporting and enabling scientific progress. Likewise, by working together more closely the efficiency, productivity and impact of Euro-BioImaging and EU-Openscreen will also be streamlined. 

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