Healthy Cloud: Next steps for Health Research & Innovation in the cloud
Euro-BioImaging is participating in the “Joining forces to define the European Health Data Sharing Landscape for Research” meeting organized by the Healthy Cloud project in Brussels on November 23, 2022. This event unites researchers, policy-makers and other stakeholders to openly discuss the future of the Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC) and to address key challenges identified by the EC: quality accessible and (re)usable health data to improve research, policymaking, regulation and innovation. In addition, HealthyCloud researchers will share the first draft of their Strategic Agenda of a Health Research and Innovation Cloud at this event.
Collaborating with our Nodes
Euro-BioImaging participates in the Healthy Cloud project with two Nodes, the Population Imaging Node hosted by Erasmus MC, and the MultiModal Molecular imaging Italian node (MMMI) (with the Institute of Biostructures and Bioimages (IBB) of the CNR and the IRCCS SDN facilities). These nodes have a strong expertise in IT infrastructures, supporting data storage and access in multicentre population imaging and clinical studies, in developing image processing tools and imaging-based biomarkers for preclinical and clinical imaging datasets and in evaluating AI-based image analysis methods.
Focus on imaging data
Within the HealthyCloud project, Euro-BioImaging will contribute to the health data landscape analysis, with a focus on imaging data (WP3), in sharing the expertise in medical image data management with the XNAT platform and in the analysis of existing data hubs governance (WP4). It will provide metadata models for imaging datasets (WP6) and contribute to two use cases by providing diagnostic images associated with biological samples and clinical data from oncological and cardiological patients (WP7).
Read the press release:
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