HPV Horizon Symposium: Bridging Cancer Frontiers

Published: 2023-07-13

Euro-BioImaging warmly welcomes you to join the HPV Horizon Symposium “Bridging cancer frontiers: Metabolism, Viral Oncology, and Global Infrastructure,” in Turku, Finland, from August 29-31, 2023. This event brings high-level speakers such as Sir David Lane of the Karolinska Institut and Douglas Hanahan, Professor and Director emeritus of the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research at EPFL in Switzerland to Turku for 2.5 days of discussion on cutting-edge cancer research. 

The first two days explore scientific topics such as metabolism and viral oncology. The third day, organized by the Euro-BioImaging Seat, is dedicated to national and international research infrastructures and the important role they play in supporting cancer researchers. We have invited RI partners Jens Habermann of BBMRI ERIC, and Niklas Blomberg of ELIXIR, to speak on the biobanking and data perspectives, and Eric Solary of UNCAN will explore cancer research from the UNCAN perspective. In addition, John Eriksson, Director General of Euro-BioImaging ERIC will speak on how imaging technologies support cancer research. These are just highlights from a program that is packed with fascinating science but also many opportunities to exchange and network. 

We warmly welcome you to join us at this event. Registration is completely free and open to all but the venue is small. Please contact us if you would like to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to exchange on cancer research topics with a fabulous panel of highly-esteemed researchers: info@eurobioimaging.eu

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