November 21, 2019

Registration & Abstracts for the 4th NEUBIAS conference (29/2-6/3, 2020) in Bordeaux, France, now open

The registration for the 4th NEUBIAS conference in Bordeaux, Feb 29- Mar 6 February 2020, is now open. NEUBIAS brings together life-scientists, bioimage analysts, microscopists, and…

November 7, 2019

Euro-BioImaging established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium for state-of-the-art imaging services in biological and biomedical research

The European Commission has officially established Euro-BioImaging as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). With its ERIC status, Euro-BioImaging is now legally recognised as…

October 9, 2019

Euro-BioImaging Industry Board votes in its new Chair and Vice-Chair

In October 2019, and with unanimous support from his fellow Board members, Martin Tewinkel of Olympus was voted as the new Chair of the…

September 18, 2019

Euro-BioImaging and EU-Openscreen sign a collaboration agreement to boost their joint support of the European Life Science community

On 11.07.2019, at the meeting of ESFRI Research Infrastructures in the life sciences, Euro-BioImaging and EU-Openscreen signed a collaboration agreement to boost their joint support…

September 18, 2019

Publication of the July 2019 EuBI newsletter

Here’s the latest Euro-BioImaging newsletter! Including exciting updates and opportunities from Global BioImaging, COMULIS, the BioImageArchive, our IndustryBoard and EOSC-Life. Read it here:

September 18, 2019

Euro-BioImaging ERIC will launch with at least 15 founding members

Since May 2016, Euro-BioImaging has enjoyed a successful interim operation; offering life scientists open access to imaging services across its 29 Nodes Candidates throughout…

September 18, 2019

EMBL-EBI announces the launch of the BioImage Archive

With the advances in modern imaging technologies, the wealth of digital imaging data is rising exponentially. While this will lead to exciting breakthroughs, new…

May 10, 2019

European Commission publishes Global BioImaging as Success Story on their website

On December 12th, the European Commission has published the article “Global network of research infrastructures promotes bioimaging technologies“, highlighting Global BioImaging (GBI) as…

May 9, 2019

Launch of the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board website

The ability to do research depends on the availability of suitable products. It is therefore essential that researchers and imaging facility staff have a…

May 9, 2019

EOSC-Life: developing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe

These days, the ability to exploit and understand research data is critical for the next advances in understanding of life and disease, addressing societal…

October 9, 2018

Showcasing of New Technologies for EuBI

EuBI proudly announces the first showcasing of new imaging technologies during its Interim Operation. The technological innovation of imaging technologies in the life sciences…

October 9, 2018

Euro-BioImaging achieves Landmark status on the 2018 ESFRI Roadmap

Following a two-year evaluation process, reviewed by a panel of independent senior experts, ESFRI – the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures – has…