Part II: Virtual Pub Special Edition “DATA” in Imaging

August 3, 2022
Data analysis Virtual Pub

Data is THE hot topic in imaging these days. That’s why we’ve planned a second Special Edition of the Virtual Pub to cover the topic of “DATA” in Biological & Biomedical Imaging. Part II will take place on Friday, September 9th, from 13:00-15:00 CEST, and feature short presentations from academics and industry.

From visualising large data sets, storing, managing, curating & sharing data and metadata – to image analysis tools and data repositories, a wide range of image data management and analysis solutions for Biological & Biomedical imaging will be showcased. 

Mark your calendars

The event takes place on Friday, September 9th, from 13:00-15:00 CEST. Take part so you get a feel for what’s happening in the fast-paced field of image data.

To make this Special Edition even more “special”, the audience will choose the best presentation to be awarded a prize sponsored by Euro-BioImaging.

Download full program here

How to connect:

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Meeting ID: 760 003 029

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