Submit your abstract for a special “COLD” edition of the Virtual Pub!

October 18, 2021
Call for Abstracts Virtual Pub

On 10th December 2021, Euro-BioImaging together with the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board will organize another special edition of the Virtual Pub. This time, in line with the season, we will focus on the theme of “COLD” and evoke a little celebratory spirit with exciting talks from our community.

We are inviting abstracts for flash presentations to hear from you about a specific challenge with respect to the topic of “COLD” in imaging and what you have done to overcome this challenge, either related to your scientific project or a technology you use. Be creative – we look forward to hearing about any interpretation of COLD, such as:

  • Biology of the cold – from cold receptors and arctic organisms to brain reactions to cold and infections with common cold viruses
  • Cold-related metabolism including fat metabolism
  • Cold technologies – from cooling and freezing samples to low-temperature and cryo-imaging techniques
  • Keeping your sample or equipment cool – from reducing laser output and keeping high-power magnetic coils cool to incubating your sample at controlled low temperatures
  • Cold isotopes in molecular imaging

If you wish to present a 5 minute flash presentation on this topic, please submit your abstract below by November 29, 2021.

Prizes will be awarded to all speakers!

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