canSERV Open Call for Early Career Researchers
We are delighted to announce a new canSERV Open Call targeted at Early Career Cancer Researchers! The primary objective of this call is to empower early career scientists through access to research services and training in order to advance their research. First-stage researchers (PhD students, junior researchers without PhD), or recognised researchers (postdocs, assistant professors, young investigators) world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge services.
Within the canSERV project, 28 Euro-BioImaging Nodes provide access to imaging services, expertise and image data analysis. Please read below for more information about who is eligible and how to apply.
If you are not an early career scientist - you can apply for the ongoing regular open call! To apply for this call, there are not any specific requirements, and all applications requesting support for reasearch in the cancer field are welcome. Click here to read more about the ongoing open call.

Your research project should address:
- Any topic of cancer research and can vary from discovery science to translational science, personalised oncology or clinical research.
- At least one of the four strategic goals of the Cancer Mission (understanding of cancer, prevention and early detection, diagnosis and treatment, quality of life for patients and their families).
If granted, you will benefit from:
- Free of charge access to canSERV service(s) (equipment, expertise, resources) offered by the canSERV consortium.
- Research Infrastructure services comprising the following fields: disease models, advanced cutting-edge imaging and structural biology technologies, biomarkers research and development, novel therapeutics developments, complex clinical trial design and support, personalised oncology implementation pipelines and recommendations, and regulatory support and tools to analyse the socioeconomic dimension of research activities. A detailed service list is available in the canSERV Service Catalogue.
- Applicants must be early career scientists in the career stage 3 and 4, for example first-stage researchers (PhD students, junior researchers without PhD), or recognised researchers (postdocs, assistant professors, young investigators) as defined in the Frascati Manual 2015
- Applications are continuously evaluated starting from submission date. The evaluation process takes 8-14 weeks, based on the complexity of the services requested. The evaluation criteria are based on excellence, impact, and quality of the submitted proposal.
How to apply
All communications are conducted through our easy-to-use platform: the canSERV Common Access Management System (CAMS link) or reach out to us for support at canservprojects@eurobioimaging.eu.
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