Coffee with Euro-BioImaging on December 3

November 29, 2021
Networking Nodes

Please join us on Friday, December 3 at 14:00 CET for coffee with Euro-BioImaging. It’s a great opportunity for an informal chat with the Euro-BioImaging Hub Team!

What’s on the agenda?

We plan to cover the topics you want to discuss – if you have questions, comments, or just feel like reminiscing about 2021 and/or planning for 2022, please join!

Who should attend?

We welcome Node staff, potential users, imaging students, PhDs and other friends of Euro-BioImaging.

How to join?

After the Virtual Pub on Friday, December 3, stay on the line or join us at 14:00 CET with the link below.

Join via internet:

or via phone:
Meeting ID: 760 003 029
Find your local number:

Hope to see you then!

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