3D micro-CT to resolve fine structures in plants: a case of Gerbera hybrida
Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…
September 7, 2023
Validating wheat sap velocity measured with a heat pulse sensor with PET imaging
Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…
September 7, 2023
Imaging of the interactions of plant cells with fungal pathogens
Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…
July 13, 2023
PHENOPlant: High-throughput phenotyping capability for plant research
Trying to understand optimum growth conditions for small to mid-size crop plants? Studying the impact of drought and other climate factors? Need to perform…
June 28, 2023
Image data services interview at the BioImage Informatics Facility (BIIF), part of Swedish NMI
Imaging scientists are producing datasets of increasing volume, complexity, and information content. To realize the full potential of imaging data, Euro-BioImaging Nodes offer a…
June 27, 2023
Image data services interview at the Centre for Cellular Imaging, part of Swedish NMI Node
BioImage Data Analysis is a new interdisciplinary field of research. It has rapidly developed to provide adapted computational solutions to the new scientific questions…
June 19, 2023
Fantastic ELMI 2023 Conference in Noordwijkerhout!
This year, the European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting took place in Noodwijkerhout, the Netherlands, organised by NL-BioImaging. Several Hub team members were able to…
June 15, 2023
IMAGINE project – imaging technology developments to address socio-economic challenges
Euro-BioImaging is pleased to be part of the IMAGINE project, which kicked off this week at the EMBL Imaging Centre in Heidelberg, Germany. The…
June 7, 2023
Supporting the development of hydrogels for drug delivery
Francois Lux is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Lyon 1. His research interests include nanomedicines – precisely the development of…
May 23, 2023
Looking at stem photosynthesis with FLIM
It all started at the Molecular and Biophysical Bases of Photosynthesis Conference held in Venice in May 2022. Sara Natale, then a PhD researcher…
May 23, 2023
Intravital microscopy supports progress in nanomedicine and immunotherapy
Understanding how immune cells interact with different medications within the disease environment is at the heart of Alexandros Marios Sofias research interest. He is…
May 19, 2023
Understanding Phantom Limb Pain
Phantom Limb Pain (PLP), i.e., the pain perceived in an amputated body part, is a very debilitating condition for amputated patients. However, its origin…